Can You Paint A Brick House?

Can You Paint A Brick House?

The Controversy of a Painted Brick House

Did you know “white brick house” is one of the most searched terms in home improvement right now? While it’s a highly sought-after look by many, others are concerned (rightfully so) about the dangers it could pose to the brick.

As painters who are regularly called on to paint brick, shared photos of our work are met either with excited admiration or shock and dismay. “NOOO, NEVER PAINT BRICK!” some exclaim in horror, while others “Ooh” and “Ahh”, tagging their friends or partners to share the beautiful transformations they’d like to claim for themselves.



Is painting brick really that bad? Why?


We recognize the valid concerns around painting brick:

  • Paint acts as a membrane over masonry, suffocating it.” (Mkay, gross, yeah.)
  • Paint can cause structural damage because it traps moisture between this “membrane” and the brick.” (Ew again.)
  • Paint can flake and peel over time.” (Not cool.)
  • Brick is porous, but [acrylic latex] paint is not. Exterior [acrylic latex] paint forms a seal over the brick’s surface that will prevent any moisture in the bricks from evaporating and drying out. Trapped moisture, which can come from a leaky window or pipe, is a prime source of mold and mildew growth. What’s more, moisture in the bricks can cause the paint to release and peel off.” (YYYYYYOWEE MAMA! That’s a no for me!)

Why it’s important to use the right paint for your brick

This brick shown on the right has been sealed by the paint they used. It’s bubbling up, which means there’s space between the brick and the paint. That’s a big nah, thanks! You don’t want anything laying on top of your brick. 

If you’re going to paint your brick, you want it to calcify to the brick; so it essentially soaks into the brick and hardens, becoming one with it. That way, it can breathe freely.

Here is another example of what you do not want to see (if it isn’t obvious). If you look at the edges of the flaking chunks of paint, you can clearly see that there’s space between the paint and the brick.

What do you think is going to sneak into those spaces? Water! Which will create mold and mildew build-up and deteriorate your brick. YYYYYYIIIIKES!

Peeling Paint

Fact vs. Myth vs. are we even talking about the same product?

  • You can never paint your brick
  • Painting brick devalues your home
  • Paint is bad for brick
  • You can paint your brick (if you use the right paint)
  • Limewash or Masonry Flat add value to your house & neighborhood
  • Mineral-based paints protect and strengthen your brick and resist mold and mildew growth

There’s a lot of outdated information about painted brick, stucco, and stone in the community. While all of the nasty facts shown above may be true of acrylic latex paints, what you need to know is there are other, far superior products out there for masonry.

It is totally possible to paint your brick without causing any of the issues mentioned above. You heard it here first, folks: there are better brick paints available. Because of Romabio’s Limewash and Masonry Flat, you can now paint your brick and add value and security to your house! Skip the acrylic latex paint and go straight to Romabio’s mineral-based paint.

Why Chose That 1 PainterWhy Chose That 1 Painter

The best way to paint your brick, stucco, and stone

All of the negatives of acrylic latex paints are where Romabio’s Limewash and Masonry Flat shine! Romabio’s paints are made up of the same properties as brick or stone on a molecular level, whereas other exterior paints, like acrylic latex paints, are generally petroleum-based (like plastic). 

Founded in 2009, Romabio’s objective was “to replace acrylic and solvent-based paints across the globe with our clean, natural, mineral technology.”. They’ve successfully reached their goals of creating a formula that favors the natural properties of brick, stucco, and stone houses, additionally supporting the health of the environment.

How Romabio brick paints resist mildew and mold growth

Romabio’s Masonry Flat and Limewash are like the brick or stone you apply it to, so it has a fantastic bond, which allows the masonry to breathe freely, completely preventing any of the dreaded mildew or mold from growing. There is no risk of moisture getting trapped because there is no room for it to sneak in. Romabio’s paints reinforce masonry, making it stronger over time!

Instead of forming a seal over the porous brick, Masonry Flat and Limewash calcify to the brick, so you retain the porousness of your brick. There is no risk of these mineral paints peeling and chipping with weather damage or with age because it has become one with the brick. Brick doesn’t peel, does it? So neither will Masonry Flat or Limewash.


I Will Paint My Brick, Thank You Very Much!

As more folks flock to us at That 1 Painter to achieve this beautiful aesthetic, we have become experts in Romabio’s mineral-based paints. We trust Romabio’s products because we can see the way masonry reacts – it absolutely loves and appreciates it, and so do we. Healthy, beautiful homes are what we strive to achieve.


Guilt-free brick painting for you and for me

Romabio explains the impact their products have on not only masonry but people as well. Their brilliant formula resulted in “a dramatic reduction in toxicity, as well as a cumulative reduction in VOC emissions that contribute to poor outdoor and indoor air quality, depleted ozone levels, and climate change.” A paint that’s absolutely stunning, better for the environment, for our customers, and the world at large… there is absolutely no reason to hold back!

Want to learn more from the experts? Check us out!